Audio/Podcast Links.

We're really excited about getting around a table and having good conversation about life, God, His faithfulness, parent-hood, work, books, music, ministry and more.
We already have some ideas about who we'd like to invite along for a chat but for now, we're still busy making some plans.
More soon.
Audio recordings of our blogs, podcast episodes and videos are uploaded here:
Books & Study Guides.
We love a good page turner and though our favourites are faith filled and God inspired, we have some helpful and practical resources for life, too. You can find out more, below.

In ‘Help is Here’, Max shares honest and relatable stories, and imparts his knowledge, in a way that engages our emotion and intellect.
The book is surprising, exhilarating, funny and true. It’s a tear-jerker in places and a hug in a mug. Max lovingly guides us in taking steps to really know the Holy Spirit and the transformative ways he can help us in our daily struggles.
Taken from the blurb:
Bills pile up. Savings accounts go down. Marriages go south. Pandemics rage. Work goes off the rails. Stress goes off the charts. It’s all too much to take on by yourself. But there is good news: the Holy Spirit is among us - help is here!
In this book, Max will give you the tools and encouragement you need to:
✅ become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered as you draw closer to God
✅ learn who the Spirit is and how the Spirit can help you
✅ find true rest and peace as you pet the Spirit carry your burdens and
✅ discover your unique gifts and purpose to further God’s kingdom.
No more walking this path alone. No more carrying the weight you were not intended to bear. It’s time for you to enjoy the presence of the Holy Spirit and experience the fresh strength, fulfilling purpose, and vigorous life He offers.
‘Help is Here’ by Max Lucado is available via the store on his website:

Praise & Worship Playlists.
We consider our style of praise and worship contemporary, but there are some 'golden oldies' - hymns and choruses, that we have experienced and developed a loyalty to over the years and they are as much a blessing. Our advice is to focus on the words of the songs and the truth they are speaking.
We have also included songs in other languages. There's something about listening to praise and worship in another language. We think they just 'hit different' but they unite us in a really special way in worship to our God. We plan to add songs and create new playlists regularly.
We hope you enjoy.